Hello! I’m so glad you’re here. 💛

I’m Jennie, and I’m the creator behind Jennie Wanders. I’m on a mission to encourage you to find joy, happiness, and fulfilment through travelstepping out of your comfort zone and exploring the world responsibly.

My travel blogging journey started with a goal to help others step out of their comfort zone and see more of the world.

But this wasn’t enough – I wanted to dig deeper, do better for our planet and help others to improve their well-being in a way I had been able to myself.

As I continued travelling, I realised that the power of travel extended far beyond the superficial pleasures of sightseeing.

Travel has the potential to change lives, especially for women like me, in their 30s, at such a pivotal time in their lives.

And that’s why I wanted to dig deeper into why this is. To show women what a difference travel, the outdoors and being in nature can make to everyday life and wellbeing.

Through my travel guides on Jennie Wanders, I want women from all over the world to have the confidence to step out of their comfort zones, travel to new destinations and know more about how to look after the planet while doing so. 🌏

My journey with sustainable travel 🍃

When I turned 30, I started reflecting on how I travelled. Was I really travelling in the right way? How could I support the local communities more? What could I do to travel better?

And then I realised how travelling ‘sustainably’ isn’t the most riveting topic in the social media world. Now, I’m on a mission to change that.

Through creating my own community of like-minded women wanting to see more of the world and look after our planet, my in-depth travel guides, inspiring social media content and promotion of eco-friendly brands, I’m here to make sustainable travel exciting, easy and understandable.

*Please bear with us whilst we update our content and guides to reflect our new mission of sustainable, mindful and purposeful travel. In the meantime, you can check out some of our most popular guides, plan your own adventures.

lake district 1 day itinerary
Happiest when exploring new corners of the world!
lake district 1 day itinerary
Tom and I in one of our favourite places; the Lake District!

About Jennie

  • I met Tom, my long-term boyfriend and business partner in New Zealand in 2019. I think it was inevitable that I’d meet someone who loves to travel as much as me. 👩‍❤️‍👨
  • Being creative means everything to me. It’s one of the main reasons why I work in this industry! If I’m not writing, I’m reading, drawing, journalling, scrapbooking or trip planning! 🎨
  • I’m a big fan of animals, especially dogs. Every bucket list experience that has brought me to tears has been through being up close to wildlife. My dream future consists of living in a countryside home with lots of dogs, chickens, ducks and goats. 🦆
  • I love hiking, walking, wild swimming and anything to do with being outdoors. It brings me peace and directly impacts my mental health and well-being in a positive way. 🥾
  • Unlike most travel bloggers, my goal isn’t to be on the go and travelling full-time. I love being at home, with my friends, family and home comforts. My aim is to balance them both, whilst promoting a world where we can all travel sustainably and purposefully. 🏡
Amazon Tours Ecuador
The Amazon Rainforest! (2023)
Colombia (2023)

My travel timeline

🌎 1992-2012

Even as a tiny toddler, I had a fascination with the world around me. I wanted to see, do and try (and eat) everything. I spent my childhood and teenage years on family holidays in the UK and Europe and soaked up every minute of adventure.

I also wrote riveting travel diaries during our holidays, which mainly focused on what we ate for breakfast, lunch and dinner each day.

With scrappings of used brochures, old-school boarding passes and Kodak camera photos, they’re worth their weight in (comedic) gold.

🌎 2013

I took a trip to my first new continent – North America! A trip to Mexico with an ex-boyfriend (sorry, Tom) was one of the major starting points of my incurable wanderlust.

🌎 2014

In 2014, I had my first solo trip! I jetted off to America, where I worked as a camp counsellor at a Wisconsin summer camp (with serious Parent Trap vibes).

I spent just under four months working at camp, followed by a month of travelling around the US with the new friends I’d made.

It was a trip that changed my life forever.

Backpacking at an American summer camp
Working at an American Summer camp meant living in Chacos every day. God, how I miss my Chacos!

🌎 2015-2017

After America, I backpacked most of Europe and South East Asia either solo or with my best friend Matt.

As I was working as a primary teacher in London, I could only travel during the school holidays; so I squeezed in every trip possible.

Group of backpackers in Thailand
I didn’t realise how young I was when I first backpacked Thailand!

🌎 2018

In 2018, my best friend Matt and I moved to Melbourne, Australia. We lived and worked as teachers in one of the best cities in the world, whilst travelling both together and solo around the country and into Asia, visiting countries such as Indonesia, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Thailand and Malaysia.

To this day, Australia is one of my favourite travel memories. It’s a country I’ll love forever!

One of my favourite experiences EVER – The Whitsunday Islands!
barbie cars in magnetic island
Travelling the East Coast with an AMAZING bunch of people for over a month!

🌎 2019

In 2019, right at the end of our Australia trip, we travelled to New Zealand to travel around on the Kiwi Experience bus before heading back to England.

And that’s where I met Tom, my now long-term partner (and travel buddy). We quickly became inseparable, especially as we realised we only lived 45 minutes apart back in London!

Since then, we’ve travelled to over 20 countries together, and over 75 countries combined!

lake tekapo new zealand view
My best friend Matt and I in New Zealand!

🌎 2020-2021

Well, we all know what happened in 2020. Sadly, I went through a stage of not really knowing what to do with my life and feeling a little lost.

All I knew was I wanted to make travel a bigger part of my life and the idea of Jennie Wanders was born.

jordan 7 day itinerary
Jordan was one of the first countries that I started writing about!

🌎 2022-August 2023

I continued working in a 9-5 whilst setting up my travel blog, and after years of gruelling and never-ending days, it started to pay off. After both of us were able to become fully remote, we set off on a nine-month Latin America trip.

During this trip, I learned more about myself than I could have imagined. I was also able to progress further in my travel career and work with brands and companies all over the world.

🌎 October 2023

The new, improved and more meaningful Jennie Wanders launched!

With a bigger focus on sustainable travel destinations and tours, we write practical and useful travel guides and strive to look after our planet when it comes to travelling the world.

🌎 February 2024 and beyond

The Jennie Wanders blog continues to be a hub of information for those who want to make travel simple, sustainable and practical.

We’re based in London where we’re working on our personal careers as well as spending all of our free time travelling to write for the blog.

Pacaya Volcano Hike Difficulty
Pacaya, Guatemala

Find us at:

✉️ For all general blogging enquiries, questions or just a chat!: Contact Jennie directly at jennie@jenniewanders[.com] or via Instagram.

💻 For all administrative enquiries, media kits and stats: contact Tom at tom@jenniewanders[.com].

Want to work with us? Promote your sustainable brand on Jennie Wanders or hire us to create captivating content to enhance your business.

Find out more about contacting us here.

Support Jennie Wanders

💸 Any link you click on in the Jennie Wanders blog earns us a tiny commission. This is at no extra cost to you. If you’d like to support us, have a look through our Travel Resources!

💻 Are you dreaming of making money online? I know how it feels. The one job that allowed me to become location-free (whilst I tirelessly built my blog) was working as an online English teacher. Without this previous consistent income, I wouldn’t have been able to travel full-time in the past. ➡️ Check out my ebook for more information!

👩🏼‍💻 Want to know more about how I make money blogging? Be sure to sign up for my newsletter for the first updates!

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