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Yellow Fever Vaccine Cartagena: Tourist Guide 2023

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Looking to get your yellow fever vaccine in Cartagena, Colombia? This post outlines everything you need to know, do and bring for the yellow fever vaccine in Cartagena (or Colombia) as a tourist.

We visited Cartagena in May 2023, and although we didn’t need the vaccine for Colombia itself, we travelled to Ecuador (and the Amazon rainforest) shortly after. Should we have had the yellow fever vaccine before leaving England? Yes, but are we that organised? Absolutely not.

So, low and behold, we had to have our yellow fever jabs done in a rush in Cartagena, Colombia. Luckily, the process wasn’t too bad, the jab is completely free and we were back in our hostel for breakfast and a coffee by 11 am. So, let’s get down to the logistics and get you jabbed for yellow fever in Cartagena!

🇨🇴 Other Cartagena posts:

Getting the yellow fever vaccine in Cartagena (Colombia): A Summary

Before I talk you through the process, I want to say how easy and uncomplicated it is. It can be daunting going into a clinic in a different country, especially one that doesn’t speak English – but don’t let this put you off.

The nurses and receptionists in the clinic do not speak any English, but for the little Spanish you need to know (and with the help of Google Translate), you will be fine! I was a little nervous too, but I kept to myself, followed their instructions and it flew by.

⚠️ Don’t forget the yellow fever vaccine needs 10 days to take full effect. Have the vaccine as early in your trip as possible for full protection in areas like the Amazon Rainforest.

📍 Location: Dadis Health Department Administrative District, Cra. 10b #25-10, Cartagena, Provincia de Cartagena, Bolívar. (Type ‘DADIS’ into Google Maps and it should come up, or click here for directions).

yellow fever vaccine in Cartagena Colombia
The road that the clinic is on in Cartagena

Step-by-step process to getting the yellow fever vaccine in Cartagena

So, how does getting the yellow fever vaccine in Cartagena work? Let me talk you through the process!

Step 1: Prepare everything you need. This is simply your passport and a mask. You do not need any money for the yellow fever vaccine in Cartagena, even as a tourist.

Step 2: You need to travel to the clinic in Getsemani, Cartagena. The address is listed below. If you are staying in the Selina or Life is Good Hostel, it is around a 2-minute walk. Make sure you only travel to the clinic at the right opening times (listed below), or you will be turned away.

Step 3: Tell the receptionist you need the yellow fever vaccine. Remember, they don’t speak English, so you will need to say ‘vacuna contra la fiebre amarilla’. Saying the Spanish word for ‘yellow’, which is ‘amarilla’ will also suffice.

Step 4: They will send you to a small room, to see the nurse who does vaccinations. She will give you a number and check your passport. You then need to wait in the (stuffy and humid) waiting room for your number to be called. We waited for around 30-40 minutes.

Step 5: The receptionist will call your number back and input your details into the computer, and you need to sign a few documents. You are then sent back to the waiting room to wait for the vaccination nurse. We waited around 15 minutes here.

Step 6: You will finally be called into the small room again to get your yellow fever vaccine. The nurse takes a little while as she fills in some forms, and you need to again sign some documents. You’ll then have the jab (which itself, takes around 2-3 seconds).

Step 7: The nurse will give you a vaccination certificate (a small yellow paper booklet) and you’re all done! If the clinic’s printer is working, they will photocopy your passport and yellow fever vaccine certificate and you’re free to leave.

If the clinic’s printer isn’t working (like it wasn’t for us), you will need to go to the tienda (shop) opposite the clinic and have your documents photocopied. It costs around 10p (500 COP) per sheet.

💸 The yellow fever vaccine in Cartagena is free. Tourists are able to get the yellow fever vaccine in Cartagena at no cost whatsoever!

yellow fever vaccine in Cartagena Colombia
Yellow fever vaccine in Cartagena, Colombia

What do I need to get the yellow fever vaccine in Cartagena?

To get the yellow fever vaccine in Cartagena, you need your passport, a mask and some small Colombian change (just in case the printer isn’t working and you need to photocopy your passport in the shop nearby).

yellow fever vaccine in Cartagena Colombia
Yellow fever vaccine in Cartagena, Colombia

Where to get the yellow fever vaccine in Cartagena

For the yellow fever vaccine in Cartagena, you need to travel to:

📍 Dadis Health Department Administrative District, Cra. 10b #25-10, Cartagena, Provincia de Cartagena, Bolívar.

🗺️ Google Maps: Click here for directions, or type in DADIS, and it should pop up!

As I said, it’s in Getsemani, which is a popular area for hostels. If you’re staying at either the Selina or Life is Good, it’s around a 2-3 minute walk away.

yellow fever vaccine in Cartagena Colombia
The road where you will get your yellow fever vaccine from

Opening times for the yellow fever vaccine in Cartagena

The opening times for the clinic change frequently, but this information is accurate as of May 2023.

  • Monday: 8 am – 12 pm | 1 pm – 4 pm
  • Tuesday – Friday: 7.30 am – 12 pm | 1 pm – 3 pm
  • Saturday: 7.30 am – 11 am

⚠️ We did turn up in the afternoon and were turned away, with the receptionist telling us they only do yellow fever vaccines in the morning, so I’d recommend heading there early.

Is the yellow fever vaccine in Cartagena free?

Yes, the yellow fever vaccine in Cartagena is completely free, even for tourists.

yellow fever vaccine in Cartagena Colombia
Yellow fever vaccine in Cartagena Colombia

Speaking Spanish in the yellow fever vaccine clinic in Cartagena

Remember the workers in the clinic in Cartagena do not speak English. I recommend having the ‘SpanishDict’ app on your phone to translate, and knowing numbers for when your number is called!

You will need to say ‘vacuna contra la fiebre amarilla’. Saying the Spanish word for ‘yellow’, which is ‘amarillawill also suffice.

Do I need the yellow fever vaccine for Colombia?

No, you do not need the yellow fever vaccine for Colombia, although it is recommended in some areas (especially if you are entering the Amazon rainforest). For more information about vaccines and country requirements, check out the Fit For Travel NHS site.

Related post: The BEST Hostels in Cartagena, Colombia!

What happens after you get the yellow fever vaccine in Cartagena?

You may experience a few side effects, or you’ll simply go about your day as usual. It’s recommended to not drink alcohol for 48 hours after having the jab.

Don’t forget the yellow fever vaccine takes 10 days to take effect. Have the vaccine as early in your trip as possible for full protection in areas like the Amazon Rainforest.

For more information about safety in Cartagena and Colombia, check out my in-depth, honest and realistic blog post about how to stay safe in Colombia as a solo female traveller here.

yellow fever vaccine in Cartagena Colombia
Yellow fever vaccine in Cartagena Colombia

Best backpacker travel insurance for Central America

If you’re visiting Central America as a backpacker, or even for a short vacation, it is so important to have travel insurance. And if you ended up on a post that’s called ‘epic party tips’, you know (just as well as I do) that you definitely need travel insurance.

Personally, I recommend SafetyWingAs a digital nomad and world traveller myself, I can confirm it is the best travel insurance out there. And one of the cheapest – they have deals that start at just $42 USD per month.

I know, I know, you’re thinking ‘but I can’t afford that!’. I was the same! It’s tough to fork out $42 a month on something ‘you might not need’. But what if something DOES happen? That extra Mezcal shot results in you falling down the stairs, or you eat something dodgy from a street food van.

If you need medical help at any point whilst in Central America, you need travel insurance.

With SafetyWing, you’re covered on travel emergencies, basic medical costs and medical expenses throughout your trip, so you can travel without worry (at a backpacker’s price!)

Don’t even think twice about getting travel insurance for Central America. Trust me, I have heard enough horror stories about backpackers who haven’t had insurance and have ended up in a lot of debt. Don’t be that person!

If you’ve been putting the job off because it takes a lot of time and effort to research the best travel insurance companies, I understand. That’s why I’ve done the hard work for you. Sign up for SafetyWing, and the job is done!

Safety wing

Yellow Fever Vaccine in Cartagena: In a Nutshell

So, there you have it! Everything you need to know about the yellow fever vaccine in Cartagena. When you’re planning a trip to Colombia, make sure you let me know over on Instagram or in the comments below!

If you haven’t seen my blog before, I write posts aimed at first-time backpackers on a budget. I’m currently travelling around the world with my boyfriend (read more here!), creating guides and itineraries for you to follow in our footsteps!

Keep an eye out for more Colombia content, all written from a personal and realistic point of view. You can sign up for my newsletter and juicy travel updates here!

As always, thanks for reading and supporting the blog!

Happy travelling 🙂

Jennie x

Other Colombia posts:


Jennie Wanders Avatar

Hi! I'm Jennie! As a part-time travel blogger based in London, I'm using my 10+ years of travel expertise to encourage & inspire you to step out of your comfort zone through sustainable, mindful and purposeful travel.

If I'm not writing, I'm either reading, drinking coffee or taking a wild swim (all at the same time if I'm feeling impressive).

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  1. Hey there!
    I live in Texas and heading to Panama City on July 2nd and from there to Colombia on July 7th. Do I need to get the yellow fever vaccine? The earliest I can make an appointment is June 30th, and that will only be 7 days before entering Colombia. I’ve done research, and some sites say I need to get it at least 10 days prior, while other sites like yours say it’s not a requirement unless visiting certain areas. Will they turn me away at the airport? I’m starting to panic, so if you could help out, that would be great.
    Thank You!!

    1. Hi! We actually got our yellow fever vaccine for the Ecuadorian Amazon rainforest. It wasn’t for Colombia at all. We were never asked for any kind of proof of vaccination in Colombia! It’s just if you’re travelling to a specific area where cases are high (which is more commonly the surrounding countries of Colombia!). Double check with the US Gov website (as I am from the UK), but as far as I know and can see online, they’re only advised vaccines. Hope that helps! Jennie x

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